Monday, September 26, 2011


Hello fellow peers.  To start off, I would like to thank those of you that have the time a patience to read and ponder my last will and testament before I leave this world and pass over into the next, well that is if there is a next.  

By now you are probably wondering, "how did this fine and stunning gentlemen end up dying?"  This question is quit easy to answer.  I was killed in a very awesome way because all important people die in fascinating ways.  Well back to the point, you see late one night I was assassinated in my sleep.  Yes, it was very tragic but do not stop reading because you have discovered I am dead, for there is still much to learn.

To start off this testament, I would like to thank those who have had the biggest impact on my life.  First is my parents obviously, just like everyone else.  I would next like to thank Johnny Knoxville for being a huge inspiration to me.  Don't ask why because I do not want to take the time or effort to explain it.  

Do not weep or grieve that one of the worlds most spectacular and most interesting people that have ever set foot on this earth is probably dead, but be happy and rejoice that I conquered this planet with my inspirational writings and other great talents and left this world on top.   

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Boulevard of Broken Dreams

I walk alone.

Through the streets of an abandoned city.  No noise except for a broken record.  The sent of rotten food, the taste of ash in my mouth, and a fire burning is coming from somewhere off in the distance.

I walk alone.

Soon I come to a point where there are no more buildings.  No more sounds.  Not even the sent of rotting food.  There is just nothing.  As far as I can see, nothing.  I am completely and utterly alone.

As I continue down this long road I realize I can no longer remember what life was like before I began walking.  I can not remember the taste of food, the sound of music, the touch of grass. Nothing.  My mind can only think of the emptiness and loneliness that surrounds me.  No matter what I do I can't, and never will be able to escape this dark nothingness. 

I walk alone

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Thinking About You

I'm thinking about you.  I'm thinking about you like Tom thinks about Jerry. 
Like Beavis thinks of Butt-Head.  Like Brad thinks about Angelina. 
Like Jim thinks of Pam.  Like Rocky thinks of Bullwinkle.

I'm thinking about you like Jimi Hendrix thinks of guitars.  Like M.J. thinks of singing.
Like Travis Barker thinks about drumming.  Like Mozart thinks about the piano.
Like Tupac thinks about rapping.  Like Led Zeppelin thinks of rocking.

I'm thinking about you like cookies think of milk.  Like cheese thinks of crackers.
Like pancakes think about syrup.  Like ice cream thinks about hot fudge.
Like doughnuts think about sprinkles.  Like cake thinks about frosting.

I'm thinking about you like rain thinks of lighting.  Like clouds think of floating.
Like winter thinks of freezing.  Like flowers think of spring.
Like leaves think of falling.  Like water thinks of flowing.

I'm thinking about you.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Love Is

  • Love is like smoking a pipe on a cool summer night in the Shire.
  • Love is like being at a rave with the perfect trance song playing.
  • Love is like a shot of Vodka (at first it burns, but eventually it feels good).
  • Love is like falling through the sky during a thunder storm.
  • Love is like a magic carpet ride over Paris at night.
  • Love is like riding on the back of a tiger through the fields of Narnia.